Saturday, September 13, 2008

week in review

It was a strange week.  With computer and internet issues.  The cable company fixed the modem problems.  I guess the whole area was having problems.  The older laptop kept losing its internet connection so I updated the driver for the network card and it seems to be better.  Of Best Buy was supposed to download all drivers for it but I guess they missed that one.  I looked up my rewards account and I have $30 in certificates I can use there along with the $40 gift card. 
The doctor's appointment I had went the same as usual.  Still having panic attacks but don't want to change meds.  I was kinda tipsy when I went there because we had an early lunch at Hooters with a friend.  Kaipo used to live next door but decided to move out when it got to be too much of a hassle.  He doesn't come up the street as much and we don't get the chance to just hang out together. 
Jacob wants to sign up for football which would cost $250 to $300 just to sign up.  They would loan him the pads but he would have to buy cleats.  I'm not so sure because we haven't heard anything back yet about the scratched truck.  A neighborhood friend volunteered to be a mediator of sorts because he's closer with them. 
Got the first call from school this week.  Jacob thought he would be funny and sit in some other girl's seat.  Everyone told him to move but he wouldn't.  A boy got upset and grabbed Jake around the neck.  The teacher noticed and sent them both to the office.  Jake also went to the school nurse but he was ok.  They both get detention and the boy gets more because his offense was worse.  Now Jake knows not to play around at school and it's not the same as elementary school.  On a good note he turned in his collection sheet for the Text Book Run and had the most money collected in his class.  He gets a t-shirt, snack and drink, and a field trip to Dave and Buster's. 

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