Thursday, July 31, 2008

Panic attacks are back

They're not the same as b4 but I'm having them again...more manageable but still poor son Jacob had to start school with peeling skin from a bad sunburn and also the biggest fat lip from a fever blister...thank god they took pictures b4 school started...thought it was weird then but it's so they could get their ID's...the ID's double as lunch pay into an account and then they show their ID at lunch to debit it...first real day of school he forgets his ID and can't eat lunch unless I take it to school...well the police shut down both accesses to the school so I had to go in the exit road in order to get to the far he likes middle school

Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever.

this is one of my favorite quotes from the movie The Replacements. Do you think it's true?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

why is perfection boring you ask

when I met my husband to be he had flaws which I described to my friends. When they met him they had expected something different. My answer to him and everyone was I don't want you to be perfect because then I'd have to be. Perfection is boring, flaws, scars, and such make people more interesting.....opinions?? anyone.....
Are you perfect or not perfect? Please vote and use a not perfect name like mine is notperfectdeb. Who are you?
Check out my sister's brutally honest blog about cancer and recovery.......
This is a digi-page I did a long time ago.

Still learning

Today is Jake's first day of middle school. it's only not such a biggie.....probably just a lot of boring talking........I gave him a melatonin last night to help him sleep better and he said he woke up at 1 am and has been up since....I think it's just nerves and being anxious. I let him drink tea for breakfast....he never has caffeine...don't even drink soda so watch out!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

My Avatar

I chose this one because I always wear my hair pulled and have green eyes. I love purple and wear tank tops alot because it's hot. I always wear sandals.

Posted with LifeCast

Using Ipod Touch to post

I did it now I just got to figure out some other stuff and I'll be okay. Not the biggest chatter so it won't be much.

The Day Before

This is the day before school starts. I took Jacob holo holo with me. Syd pissed at me over his iPod. I'm just trying to cope.

Posted with LifeCast

First Time

Syd has inventory today and left late. He chopped up the tree in the back. I did laundry and cheated at my diet plan today.
Matt went upstairs and napped by himself. Such a big boy. Jake is miserable with sunburn.

Posted with LifeCast

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ipod Touch is Awesome

I haven't figured it all out yet but I have a few applications on it. I'm currently addicted to checking for updates and new apps. I think I really want a IPhone when my contract expires.